Amur Maple

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 The tree is deciduous, it loses it's leaves every year in the fall then grows new leaves in the spring.  Site Requirements: requires sun to light shade. Range of soil types; tolerates wind, dry soil and drought. The Amur maple is considered a Medium texture tree. Form - Rounded crown; often multi-stemmed. Height 15 to 20', Width 15' to 28'.

The Amur maple's leaves are 1.5 to 3" opposite simple leaves with 3 lobes. it exhibits bright green colors and holds up well in full sun. The Amur maple has scarlet/red fall coloring. Flower and Fruit; Panicle of fragrant white flowers in spring; red winged seeds

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Latin NameAcer ginnalla
Common NameAmur Maple
Max Height15-20ft
Max Width15-28ft

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