Freedom Apple

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The Freedom Apple, Malus 'Freedom', is a cross between Jonagold and Golden Delicious. This tree is disease resistant and immune to apple scab. (Freedom was chosen as the name to recognize its freedom from apple scab.) The fruit produced is large, yellow with red blush, and is crisp and very juicy. Stores well when refrigerated. The tree habit of 'Freedom' is vigorous and spreading. 'Freedom' blooms in May, which means that it is a midseason bloomer. It produces good pollen and has been used successfully as a pollen parent with many varieties. The fruit is large, oblate in shape, with 80 per cent bright red stripes on a yellow background. The cavity is deep, medium broad, acute, and russetted. It is good to eat fresh and is wonderful for making sauces and juices. 'Freedom' will keep in refrigerated storage until January. Plant about a month after the first killing frost in the fall or about a month before the last killing frost in the spring. Select a planting site that has good air, drainage, full sunlight and deep, well drained soil.


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Latin NameMalus 'Freedom'
Common NameFreedom Apple
Max Height15-18ft
Max Width15ft

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